A senior lecturer at the University of Bern, where he is teaching physics classes for undergraduates and master students. He brought the IPPOG Masterclasses to Bern and became the Swiss representative to IPPOG in 2009 and is elected IPPOG co-chair since 2013.Attracted by high energetic particle collisions, cutting edge science, and a life inside international collaborations, he joined the Laboratory for High Energy Physics at the University of Bern in 1997 and also joined the ATLAS collaboration at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC), long before first collisions took place. Hans Peter became pivotal in the design and implementation of the trigger and data acquisition system of the ATLAS detector, and is now concentrating on physics studies of proton-proton collisions provided by the LHC and measured with the ATLAS detector. His main interests are in a precise understanding of the Standard Model at the new energy domain the LHC offers, as this forms the basis needed when searching for new physics signatures beyond the Standard Model. Often new physics can only be revealed in an excess of events which lies on top over a large sea of events that are fully compatible with the Standard Model and otherwise have identical signatures. Hans Peter is convinced that only in a combination of precision measurements with searches for new physics will lead to new discoveries such as the origin of mass, extra dimensions, or supersymmetry.